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/* Global settings */
let SadBrahamSettings = {"lang":"fr", "sound":true, "cname":"Commandant", "useCustomName":false, "writeAnimation":true};

/* Entry points */
let SadBrahamEntryPoints = ["point-0", "charisme-0", "pq-0", "jeu-0", "cantha-0", "faren-0", "gazette-0", "bag"];   // List of possible entry points
let SadBrahamEntryPoint = "";       // Variable set to determine which entry point will be used (Do not change)

/* Dialogues data */
let dialogues = {
    "bag" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Oh non...",
                "en":"Oh no...",
                "fr":"Oh non...",
                "en":"Oh no...",
    "crying-chain-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Je crois que je vais pleurer...",
            "en":"I think I'm gonna cry...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Oh non...",
                "en":"Oh no...",
                "fr":"Oh non...",
                "en":"Oh no...",
    "crying-chain-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
        "to" : "crying-chain-2"
    "crying-chain-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
        "to" : "crying-chain-3"
    "crying-chain-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Bouhouhouhouhou... snif... bouhouhou...",
            "en":"<em>Sobs even more, somehow</em>",
        "to" : "crying-chain-4"
    "crying-chain-4" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "en":"<em>Sobs (again)</em>",
        "to" : "crying-chain-2"

    "point-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"%name%? J'aurais besoin de parler...",
            "en":"%name%? I need to talk...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Je t'écoute Braham",
                "en":"I am listening, Braham.",
                "fr":"Je n'ai pas trop le temps, Braham.",
                "en":"I don't have the time for that, Braham.",
    "point-1-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"J'aimerais faire le point sur ma vie...<br/>J'ai l'impression d'être inutile...",
            "en":"I would like to take a step back and think about my life...<br/>I have the feeling of being useless...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Oh non...",
                "en":"Oh no...",
                "en":"Yes you are.",
    "point-1-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"J'ai jamais réussi à faire ce que je voulais... Je voulais construire ma légende... mais j'arrive même pas à faire mes lacets...",
            "en":"I have never managed to do what I wanted... I wanted to forge my legend but... I can't even tie my shoelaces...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"C'est pas grave... Ca va venir...",
                "en":"Don't worry... You will make it...",
                "fr":"Mais Braham... Tu n'as pas de lacets...",
                "en":"But Braham... You have no shoelaces...",
    "point-1-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
    "point-1-3-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
    "point-1-3-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
    "point-1-3-4" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"MAIS C'ETAIT POUR CA!",
            "en":"SO THAT'S WHY!",
        "answers": [
    "point-1-4" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Mais j'ai jamais rien accomplis d'intéressant... J'ai échoué à tuer Jormag, sauver ma mère, construire un couple durable, apprendre à lire...",
            "en":"But I haven't done anything interesting... I failed killing Jormag, saving my mother, building a long-lasting relationship, learn how to read...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"C'est pas grave... Ca va venir...",
                "en":"Don't worry... You will make it...",
                "fr":"Effectivement, tu es mauvais.",
                "en":"Indeed, you're bad.",
    "point-1-5" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"En plus, j'ai aucun charisme... J'ai beau me promener torse nu... personne n'est impressionné...",
            "en":"On top of that I have no charisma... I am walking aroud bare-chested... and no one is impressed...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Effectivement, tu es mauvais.",
                "en":"Indeed, you're bad.",
                "fr":"Moi j'aime bien",
                "en":"I like it personally.",
                "fr":"Effectivement, tu es mauvais.",
                "en":"Indeed, you're bad.",
                "fr":"Effectivement, tu es mauvais.",
                "en":"Indeed, you're bad.",
    "point-1-6" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"C-c'est vrais?",
        "answers": [
    "point-2-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Mais... mais...<br/>%name%... on forme une équipe non?<br/>On est censé se supporter, non?",
            "en":"But... but...<br/>%name%... we are a team, aren't we?<br/>Aren't we supposed to be there for eachother?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Bon... je t'écoute...",
                "en":"Fiiine... I am listening...",
                "fr":"Effectivement. Mais pas maintenant.",
                "en":"Indeed, but not now.",
                "fr":"Effectivement. Mais pas pour toi.",
                "en":"Indeed, but not for you.",
    "point-2-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Mais... mais...",
            "en":"But... but...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Shhhhhhh! Silence maintenant.",
                "en":"Shhhhhhh! Silence now.",
    "point-2-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {

    "charisme-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"%name%? J'aurais besoin de conseils...",
            "en":"%name%? I need advices...",
    "charisme-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Je n'ai aucun charisme... Comment je dois faire pour améliorer ça ?",
            "en":"I have no charisma... How can I fix that?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Inspire toi des meilleurs",
                "en":"Draw your inspiration from the best",
                "fr":"Arrête de parler",
                "en":"Stop talking",
    "charisme-inspirer-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Hmm... Je vais tenter quelque chose...",
            "en":"Hmmm... Let me try something...",
    "charisme-inspirer-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Tadaaa! Qu'en penses-tu ?",
            "en":"Tadaaa! What do you think?",
        "answers": [
    "charisme-inspirer-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Là au moins j'ai l'air de quelque chose!",
            "en":"Now I'm looking like something!",
    "charisme-inspirer-4" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Je vais enfin être respecté!",
            "en":"I will get the respect I deserve!",
    "charisme-inspirer-5" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Il y a du boulot...",
                "en":"There is still some work needed...",
                "fr":"Quelle horreur...",
    "charisme-stop-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {

    "jeu-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Oui Braham?",
                "en":"Yes Braham?",
    "jeu-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"%name% ? J'ai besoin d'aide.",
            "en":"%name%? I need help.",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ?",
                "en":"What is happening?",
                "fr":"Je n'ai pas le temps.",
                "en":"I don't have the time for that.",
    "jeu-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Je n'arrive pas à vaincre ce boss, sur ce jeu que Taimi m'a donné...",
            "en":"I can't manage to kill the boss on that game Taimi gave me...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Quoi ?",
                "en":"What ?",
                "fr":"Alors demande à Taimi.",
                "en":"Then ask Taimi.",
    "jeu-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Oui je sais... même pour ça, je suis nul <em>(sanglots)</em>",
            "en":"I know... even for that I'm incompetent <em>(sobs)</em>",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Taimi peut sûrement t'aider.",
                "en":"Taimi can certainly help you.",
                "fr":"Je n'ai pas le temps.",
                "en":"I don't have the time for that.",

    "faren-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Dites %name%, vous qui êtes de la Haute... vous connaîtriez le Seigneur Faren ?",
            "en":"Say %name%, since you walk among the most important... do you know Lord Faren?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Heu... oui ?",
                "en":"... yes?",
                "fr":"Qui? Jamais entendu parlé. Au revoir!",
                "en":"Who? Never heard about them. Bye!",
    "faren-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"J'ai vu son calendrier et...",
            "en":"I saw his calendar and...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Et ?",
                "en":"<em>Hang up</em>",
    "faren-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"... et j'aimerai savoir si son tailleur peut me faire un <span style=\"color:#f43f85;\">Slip légendaire de Faren</span> à ma taille.",
            "en":"... and I would like to know if his tailor could make me one of his <span style=\"color:#f43f85;\">Legendary Faren's underwear</span> to my size.",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Quelle idée merveilleuse !",
                "en":"What an amazing idea!",
                "fr":"Si cela peut te redonner confiance en toi...",
                "en":"If it can help you being more confident...",
                "fr":"Ne m'appelle plus !",
                "en":"Never talk to me again!",
                "en":"<em>Hang up</em>",

    "cantha-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Dites %name%, je suis en train de préparer mon sac pour Cantha...",
            "en":"Say %name%, I'm preparing my bag for Cantha...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Tu sais que ce n'est pas pour demain ?",
                "en":"You are aware that it is not for tomorrow, aren't you?",
                "fr":"Tant mieux pour toi",
                "en":"Nice for you.",
    "cantha-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Oui, mais j'avais une question très importante !",
            "en":"Yes, but I had a really important question!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Je t'écoute ?",
                "en":"I am listening?",
                "fr":"Et bien, je te suggère de la garder pour toi.",
                "en":"Then you can keep this very important question to yourself.",
    "cantha-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Est-ce que je dois prévoir mon maillot de bain ? Et si oui, la couleur a-t-elle une importance ?",
            "en":"Do I have to think about my swimmwear? If so, is the color important?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Bien sûr ! Kasmeer devrait pouvoir te prêter ça !",
                "en":"Of course! I am sure Kasmeer would be glad to share some of hers.",
                "fr":"Je te suggère simplement d'enlever un peu de fourrure sur ton armure, et ça devrait suffire.",
                "en":"With a bit less of fur on your armor, it should be enough.",
                "fr":"Braham, nous n'irons pas à Cantha pour profiter du soleil. Et évite de m'appeler pour ce genre de considération...",
                "en":"Braham, we are not travelling to enjoy the sun. And please do not call me for this kind of topics.",
                "en":"<em>Hang up</em>",

    "pq-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Au secours %name% ! A l'aide !",
            "en":"%name%! Help! Help!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Que se passe-t-il, Braham ?",
                "en":"What is happening, Braham?",
                "fr":"Crr... crrr... Ca ne capte pas très bien!",
                "en":"Crr... crrr... The signal is really low!",
    "pq-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"C'est épouvantable, %name%, venez vite !",
            "en":"It's really horrible, %name%, come quick!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Quoi ? Qu'y a-t-il Braham ?",
                "en":"What? What is it Braham?",
                "fr":"<em>Jeter le communicateur le plus loin possible</em>",
                "en":"<em>Throwing the communicator as far away as possible</em>",
    "pq-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Je n'ai plus de papier toilette !",
            "en":"I have no toilet paper left!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Tu as de la chance, j'en ai acheté tellement que je n'ai plus de place dans ma zone personnelle !",
                "en":"You are lucky! I bought so much that my home instance is full!",
                "fr":"C'est ballot !",
                "en":"What a bummer!",
                "fr":"Débrouille toi!",
                "en":"It's your problem.",
                "fr":"Moi non plus.",
                "en":"Me nether.",

    "gazette-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"%name%, Mordremoth est de retour !",
            "en":"%name%, Mordremoth is back!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Comment ça ?",
                "en":"What do you mean?",
                "fr":"C'est bien, Braham. Tu veux un cookie ?",
                "en":"Goood Braham, goood! Do you want a cookie?",
    "gazette-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Vous n'avez pas lu la Gazette tyrienne dernièrement ?",
            "en":"Haven't your read the Tyrian Gazette recently?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Non, pas du tout.",
                "en":"Not at all",
                "fr":"Non, elle était en rupture de stock.",
                "en":"No, it was out of stock.",
    "gazette-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Il tente de prendre le contrôle de la Tyrie avec des Choya !",
            "en":"They try to take back Tyria with armies of Choya!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Parfait ! Un nouveau compagnon pour ma zone personnelle, et un nouveau familier pour mon rôdeur !",
                "en":"Wonderful, a new friend in my personal area, and a new pet for my ranger!",
                "fr":"Braham, je pense que c'est une fake news... Nous avons tué Mordremoth.",
                "en":"Braham, it's obviously another fake news... We killed Mordremoth.",
                "fr":"Braham, c'est toi qui va devenir une choya si tu continue !",
                "en":"Braham, you are the one ending like a choya if you continue like this!",
                "fr":"Mais oui, mais oui...",
                "en":"Of course... Of course...",

    "braham-0" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Heu... %name% ? Vous ne seriez pas en train de me stalker là ?",
            "en":"%name%? What are you doing on this page?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Oh pardon, je cherche des informations sur des Dolyacks... La ressemblance était frappante.",
                "en":"Oops! Sorry! I was looking for informations about Dolyacks... I was not that far.",
                "fr":"Désolé, je me suis perdu...",
                "en":"Sorry, I got lost...",
    "braham-1" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Mais... mais... c'est pas gentil ça !",
            "en":"But... but... it was not kind!",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Roooh ! C'est bon ! C'était un blague !",
                "en":"Roooh! That's fine! It was just a joke!",
                "fr":"La véritée est comme Kormir: personne ne l'aime, et ça fait mal de la regarder en face.",
                "en":"Truth is like Kormir. No one like it, and it hurts to face it.",
    "braham-2" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Mais... mais...",
            "en":"But... but...",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"Tu vas faire quoi? Tu vas pleurer?",
                "en":"What are you going to do? Crying?",
    "braham-3" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Ah ouais ? Si c'est comme ça, je casse ta page ! C'est tout ce que tu auras gagné !",
            "en":"Yeah? And I'm going to break your page, that's all you deserve!",
        "answers": [
    "braham-4" : {
        "from": {
        "text": {
            "fr":"Voilà! On fait moins le malin maintenant?",
            "en":"There! Who is the smart one, now?",
        "answers": [
                "fr":"C'est stupide...",
                "en":"That's stupid..."

let SadBrahamReactImg = {
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    "dreaming" : "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/2/24/Utilisateur_Skrool_-_Braham_Dreaming.png",
    "crying" : "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/1/1b/Utilisateur_Skrool_-_Braham_Crying.png",
    "bag" : "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/a/a6/Utilisateur_Skrool_-_Braham_Bag.png",
    "pouting" : "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/8/8a/Utilisateur_Skrool_-_Braham_Pouting.png",
    "charismatic" : "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/f/f7/Utilisateur_Skrool_-_Braham_Charismatic.png"

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function loadSettings() {
    {let v = sbGetCookie("sblang"); if (v) SadBrahamSettings.lang = v;}
    {let v = sbGetCookie("sbuseCustomName"); if (v) SadBrahamSettings.useCustomName = (v == "true");}
    {let v = sbGetCookie("sbwriteAnimation"); if (v) SadBrahamSettings.writeAnimation = (v == "true");}
    {let v = sbGetCookie("sbcname"); if (v) SadBrahamSettings.cname = v;}

/* Get the communicator */
function getCommunicator() {
    let communicator = document.getElementById("sad-braham-communicator");
    if (!communicator) {
        communicator = document.createElement("div");
        communicator.id = "sad-braham-communicator";
        communicator.onclick = () => {closeCommunicator(); openDialogueBox();};
        let communicator_extra = document.createElement("div");
        communicator_extra.innerText = (SadBrahamSettings.lang == "fr")
            ? "Vous avez un appel de : Braham"
            : "You have a call from: Braham";
    return communicator;

/* Close the communicator */
function closeCommunicator(communicator = null) {
    if (!communicator)
        communicator = getCommunicator();


/* Show the communicator */
function openCommunicator(communicator = null) {
    if (!communicator)
        communicator = getCommunicator();


    setTimeout(() => {setCommunicatorUrgency("urgency-low");}, 18000);
    setTimeout(() => {setCommunicatorUrgency("urgency-high");}, 26000);
    setTimeout(() => {setCommunicatorUrgency("urgency-seriously-answer");}, 50000);

/* Set communicator urgency */
function setCommunicatorUrgency(urgency, communicator = null) {
    if (!communicator)
        communicator = getCommunicator();

    if (communicator.classList.contains("closed"))

    if (!communicator.classList.contains(urgency)) {

/* Get the dialogue container */
function getContainer() {
    var container = document.getElementById("sad-braham-dialogue-container");
    if (!container) {
        container =  document.createElement("div");
        container.id = "sad-braham-dialogue-container";
    return container;

/* Get the dialogue box */
function getReactImage() {
    var reactImg = document.getElementById("sad-braham-react");

    if (!reactImg) {
        var container = getContainer();
        reactImg = document.createElement("img");
        reactImg.id = "sad-braham-react";

    return reactImg;

/* Get the dialogue box */
function getDialogueBox() {
    var dialogue_box = document.getElementById("sad-braham-dialogue");

    if (!dialogue_box) {
        var container = getContainer();
        dialogue_box = document.createElement("div");
        dialogue_box.id = "sad-braham-dialogue";

        // Start dialogue
        if (SadBrahamEntryPoint == "")

    return dialogue_box;

/* Close the dialogue box */
function closeDialogueBox(dialogue_box = null) {
    if (!dialogue_box)
        dialogue_box = getDialogueBox();


/* Show the dialogue box */
function openDialogueBox(dialogue_box = null) {
    if (!dialogue_box)
        dialogue_box = getDialogueBox();

/* Clear the dialogue box */
function clearDialogue(dialogue_box = null) {
    if (!dialogue_box)
        dialogue_box = getDialogueBox();

    dialogue_box.innerHTML = "";

    var cross_button = document.createElement("button");
    cross_button.id = "dialogue-leave";
    cross_button.innerText = "⛌";
    cross_button.onclick = () => {closeDialogueBox(dialogue_box); openCommunicator();};


/* Get Logged in user name */
function getName() {
    var nameElement = document.getElementById("pt-userpage");
    return nameElement ? nameElement.innerText : null;

/* Get default name */
function getDefaultName() {
    if (SadBrahamSettings.lang == "fr")
        return "Commandant";
        return "Commander";

/* Apply a callback function on every affected node string content */
function modifyNodeContent(callbackfn) {
    document.querySelectorAll("a, span, li, ul, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5," +
        " h6, div, td, th, legend, i, b, dt, dd").forEach(e => {
                var child = e.firstChild;
                if (e.style.display != "hidden")
                    while (child) {
                        if (child.nodeType == 3) {
                            if (child.data !== undefined
                            && child.data.trim().length !== 0
                            && e.style.display != "hidden"){
                                child.data = callbackfn(child.data);
                        child = child.nextSibling;

/* Detroy layout */
function destroyLayout(angle) {
    document.querySelectorAll("div.portal, #content div, div#content h1," +
        " div#content h2, div#content #firstHeading, a, li, #p-search," +
        "img").forEach(e => {
        var offset = Math.floor((Math.random() * angle * 2) - angle);
        e.style.transform = "rotate(" + offset + "deg)";

function destroyLayoutRepeated(angle, iteration, delay) {
    if (iteration > 0) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            destroyLayoutRepeated(angle, iteration - 1, delay)
            }, delay);

/* break action */
function action_break() {
    modifyNodeContent(e => {
        return "KABAM!BRAHAM!";
    destroyLayoutRepeated(5, 4200, 1000);

/* Get a random letter */
function randomLetter() {
    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 61);

    if (index > 51)
        return String.fromCharCode(index - 4);
    else if (index > 25)
        return String.fromCharCode(index + 39);
        return String.fromCharCode(index + 97);

/* Apply the substitutions on dialogue strings */
function processDialogueString(str) {

    // Name substitution
    var name = SadBrahamSettings.useCustomName
        ? (SadBrahamSettings.cname.length > 0
            ? SadBrahamSettings.cname
            :  getDefaultName())
        : getName() || getDefaultName();
    str = str.replace("%name%", name);

    return str;

/* Load a dialogue and print it in the dialogue box */
function printDialogue(id) {
    let dialogue_box = getDialogueBox();

    // Close dialogue box if id is null/undefined
    if (!id) {

    // Get dialogue from its ID
    let dialogue = dialogues[id];
    if (!dialogue) {
        console.warn("Incorrect dialogue id: " + id);

    // Display image
    if (dialogue.react){
        let reactImg = getReactImage();
        // @ts-ignore
        if (reactImg.src != dialogue.react) {
            // @ts-ignore
            setTimeout(() => {reactImg.src = SadBrahamReactImg[dialogue.react]; reactImg.classList.remove("loading");}, 300);

    // Create elements of the dialogue box
    let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

    let name_span = document.createElement("div");
    name_span.innerText = processDialogueString(dialogue.from[SadBrahamSettings.lang]) + ":";

    let content_span = document.createElement("div");

    let main_text_span = document.createElement("span");
    let txt = processDialogueString(dialogue.text[SadBrahamSettings.lang]);

    // Print main dialogue
    if (!SadBrahamSettings.writeAnimation) {
        main_text_span.innerHTML = txt;
        // @ts-ignore
        setTimeout(() => {main_text_span.done = true;}, 300);
    } else {
        main_text_span.innerHTML = "";
        printCharacterByCharacter(main_text_span, txt);


    // Clicking on the dialogue box to skip to the next dialogue
    let callback = (next_id) => (event) => {
        if (event.target.id != "dialogue-leave"){
            // @ts-ignore
            if (main_text_span.done)
            else {
                // @ts-ignore
                main_text_span.done = true;
                main_text_span.innerHTML = txt;

    // Buttons to get to next dialogue
    if (dialogue.answers) { // With answers
        let option_container = document.createElement("div");

        // Create a button for each possible answer
        for (let i = 0; i < dialogue.answers.length; i++) {
            let option = document.createElement("button");
            option.innerHTML = processDialogueString(dialogue.answers[i][SadBrahamSettings.lang]);

            // Personality icons
            if (dialogue.answers[i].type) {
                let img = document.createElement("img");
                if (dialogue.answers[i].type == "ferocity") {
                    img.src = "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/3/33/Ic%C3%B4ne_dialogue_f%C3%A9rocit%C3%A9.png";
                } else if (dialogue.answers[i].type == "dignity") {
                    img.src = "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/0/0a/Ic%C3%B4ne_dialogue_dignit%C3%A9.png";
                } else if (dialogue.answers[i].type == "charm") {
                    img.src = "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/5/53/Ic%C3%B4ne_dialogue_gr%C3%A2ce.png";
                } else if (dialogue.answers[i].type == "merchand") {
                    img.src = "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/0/07/Ic%C3%B4ne_dialogue_or.png";
                } else if (dialogue.answers[i].type == "battle") {
                    img.src = "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/b/b9/Ic%C3%B4ne_dialogue_combat.png";
                } else if (dialogue.answers[i].type == "leave") {
                    img.src = "https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/e/e1/Ic%C3%B4ne_dialogue_fermer.png";

            option.onclick = callback(dialogue.answers[i].to);

    else // No answers
        let cursor = document.createElement("span");
        cursor.innerText = "▼";

        dialogue_box.onclick = callback(dialogue.to);
        // @ts-ignore
        main_text_span.onTextDisplayed = () => {dialogue_box.classList.add("clickable");};

    if (dialogue.action) {
        if (dialogue.action == "break") action_break();


/* Get Page name */
function PageName(){
    try {
        return document.getElementById("firstHeading").innerText;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Unable to get page name");
        return "Something";

/* Choose an entry point and preload images */
function chooseEntryPoint(){
    // Choose a random dialogue id in the list of possible entry points
    if (PageName() != "Braham Eirsson")
        SadBrahamEntryPoint = SadBrahamEntryPoints[Math.floor(Math.random() * SadBrahamEntryPoints.length)];
        SadBrahamEntryPoint = "braham-0";

    // Load every image needed in the dialogue now, so it'll be rarer to have missing reaction image
    let loadedDialogues = [];
    let loadedImages = [];
    let loadingStack = [SadBrahamEntryPoint];
    while (loadingStack.length > 0) {
        let current = dialogues[loadingStack.pop()];

        // Fill the stack
        if (current.to && !loadedDialogues.includes(current.to)) {
        if (current.answers) {
            current.answers.forEach(answer => {
                if (answer.to && !loadedDialogues.includes(answer.to)) {

        // Preload the current image
        if (current.react && !loadedImages.includes(current.react)){
            let img = new Image();
            img.src = SadBrahamReactImg[current.react];

function randomMainPageSadBraham() {
    let array =

    let leftImg = document.querySelector('[alt="Accueil-Balthazar-PoF.png"]');
    let rightImg = document.querySelector('[alt="Accueil-Monture-PoF.png"]');

    if (leftImg) {
        leftImg.src = SadBrahamReactImg[array[ Math.floor((Math.random() * array.length))]];
        leftImg.width = 360;
        leftImg.height = 540;
        leftImg.style.transform = "scaleX(-1)";

    if (rightImg) {
        rightImg.src = SadBrahamReactImg[array[ Math.floor((Math.random() * array.length))]];
        rightImg.width = 360;
        rightImg.height = 540;
        rightImg.parentElement.style.top = "150px";

/** SNOW (ノ^ヮ^)ノ :・゚✧ * */
function NeigeraOuNeigeraPas()
    var para = document.createElement("li");
    para.id = 'neige';

    var box = document.createElement("input");
    box.type = "checkbox";
    box.id = "neigeOuPas";
    box.title = "Activer ou désactiver la neige.";
    box.checked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('snowToggle'));

    var label = document.createElement("label");
    label.title = "Activer ou désactiver la neige.";
    label.innerHTML = "<span>Neige :</span>";

    var element = document.getElementById( 'p-personal' );
    var child = element.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0];

    child.insertBefore(para, child.firstChild);

    $('#neigeOuPas').click(function() {
        if (typeof snowStorm === 'undefined') {
            console.warn("NeigeraOuNeigeraPas : snowStorm not loaded.");

        if(box.checked) {
        } else {

        localStorage.setItem('snowToggle', JSON.stringify(box.checked));

function initNeige(){
    if (typeof snowStorm === 'undefined'){
        console.warn("initNeige : snowStorm not loaded");

    var checked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('snowToggle'));
    if (!checked) {
    } else {

/* Start the sadeness */
function initSadness() {
    // Load settings

    // Init panels
    setTimeout(() => {openCommunicator();}, 1800);

    // Choose this page dialogue and start loading images

    // Add setting buttons
    let panel = document.getElementById("mw-panel") || document.getElementById("mw-mf-page-left");
    let div = document.createElement("div");
    div.innerHTML = "<button id=\"sad-braham-setting-button\"onclick=\"showSettings()\"><img src=\"https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/d/d2/Utilisateur_Skrool_-_Preferences.png\"</img></button>";

    // Main page images

function onReady(f) {
    if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
    } else {
        window.onload = f;

onReady(function() {
    var pagename = 'MediaWiki:SnowStorm.js';
    pagename = encodeURI( pagename.replace( ' ', '_' ) );
    var src = '/index.php?title=' + pagename + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';
    if (typeof snowStorm == 'undefined') $.getScript(src, function(){